What is Bee the Vibe?

Bee the Vibe is a program of Mile High Behavioral Healthcare promoting and offering safer solutions to sexual health, wellness, harm reduction, and case management.

Bee the Vibe offers Colorado residents FREE educational sessions, and fun events, as well as safe and sober spaces, so you can truly be yourself and BEE the vibe. We also offer FREE case management, drug-checking options, sexual health testing options and peer-led prevention groups to help you live a better lifestyle and just keep vibing.

Ready to Bee the Vibe?

Learn more about our services available.

  • Learn your status so you can ‘know the vibe.’ We offer FREE:

    • Rapid and take-home testing options for HIV, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia

    • Safer-sex supplies like internal and external condoms (latex and non-latex) and lubes (silicone and water-based).

    • Referrals to Denver Element’s PrEP navigator and get on PrEP, an HIV preventative treatment—pre-exposure prophylaxis like Truvada and Descovy.

    • Connection with treatment and work with a case manager in the event of any positives during testing.

  • We provide free resources for drug-checking and safer-drug use, so you can “check the vibe” before you do anything.

    • Naloxone, the lifesaving overdose reversal tool, aka Narcan and Kloxxado, that can help reverse an opioid overdose. We recommend everyone have naloxone just in case of an emergency.

    • Fentanyl test strips and xlyazine test strips, so you can test any drugs before you do them.

    • Safer-smoking, safer-snorting, and safer-injection kits with tools like bandaids, alcohol wipes, straws, etc. so you can keep yourself safe when using.

    • COMING SOON: Syringe access programs, drug reagent testing, and more!

  • We are happy to offer FREE harm reduction case management to anyone and everyone. It is short-term, intensive case management to help solve problems in your life. This means:

    • Meeting people where they are.
    • Focusing on individual identified goals.
    • Supporting aspects of people's lives through a harm reduction approach to ensure safety and ability to reach goals.
    • Gathering and connecting with resources.
    • Creating a goal plan for success and growth.
    • Working with people the entire way to reach your goals.

    Essentially, if you have a problem that you need help navigating, our Prevention Case Manager is here to help. Examples can be, but aren’t limited to:

    • Getting tested and navigating a positive STI test result.
    • Pregnancy planning and reproductive health options
    • Supporting people with medical appointments
    • Advocating to case workers for DHS cases.
    • Assisting in getting a client to required appointments.
    • Filling out social service applications.
    • 1-on-1 education about safer-sex and/or safer-drug use.
    • And more.

  • We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk and help you learn to ‘live the vibe’ with our prevention peer services. These FREE services include:

    • Harm reduction foundations 4-week hybrid in-person/Zoom group called ‘Reduce the Sting’ where you can learn about the basics of harm reduction and how to incorporate them into your life. (Wednesdays, 4 - 5 PM)

    • A trans-specific harm reduction 4-week foundations group where members of the trans, non-binary and gender expansive community can learn about harm reduction surrounding topics like transitioning in a safe space. (Wednesdays, 5 - 6 PM)

    • Drop-in harm reduction, activity-based group that brings harm reduction into a fun and engaging space. Whether it’s a fireside chat, STI testing and a movie, sober spaces at a sports match, or more! More information available soon. (Thursdays, 5:30 PM).

    • 1-on-1 sessions to create harm reduction and prevention plans for topics in your life that you want to discuss. We can chat with you about anything, and some examples include:

      • Alcohol-use habits

      • Exploring non-monogamy

      • Learning about different types of sex

      • Preparing for new substance/drug-use safely

      • And more. If you have a question, we have the evidence-based answers!

  • We are super excited to offer fun events to build a ‘buzzing’ harm reduction community. We post our events on social media and on our calendar so you can regularly see what we’re up to. Some examples of what you might see are:

    • Movie nights and watch parties on our back patio.

    • Brunches and community dinners.

    • Volunteering groups making supplies.

    • Sober activities, crafts and game nights.

    • And more!

Schedule an appointment today!

Contact us

Have questions? Want to find out how to grab an at-home STI test kit? Call (720) 382-5900, email BeeTheVibe@MHBHC.org, or through the form below, and our Bee the Vibe team will be in contact with you.
